Salton Sea

The Salton Sea is a large, shallow lake located within 30 minutes from the Coachella Valley. It was created accidentally in the early 1900s when the Colorado River breached an irrigation canal and flooded a dry desert depression. The lake is currently the largest lake in California, but it is shrinking rapidly due to a combination of environmental factors and human activities. Its unique ecosystem, stunning landscapes, and cultural history make it a place worth exploring. Visitors can enjoy birdwatching, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities while learning about the complex issues facing this important body of water.

Being so close to the Salton Sea, we love just looking at the water and the nature that it brings to our eyes. The one thing we love about Salton Sea is that during the cooler months, the water is really nice and blue, but summers aren’t the best time to visit the sea because the water smells really bad. Other than than, my family has gone to the Salton Sea numerous times because we just enjoy looking at its beauty.


Joshua Tree

