Kid’s Profiles

With TV’s and streaming services in every room, we wanted to make sure that parents would be able to rest easy assured that their children aren’t watching inappropriate programs in their rooms. We also know what’s inappropriate for you may vary from what others may consider. With these thoughts in mind we’ve equipped two of our bedrooms and the family room with 3 ratings based profiles for you to optionally enable in each room, one aiming at G rated programs, one for PG, and one for PG13/TV14. There are some nuances so let’s take a look with a little more detail.

The first profile is the “G Ratings” profile and as you guessed it’s based on programs with a G or TV-G rating. This profile include Netflix, Paramount Plus, PBS Kids, and Youtube Kids. Youtube Kids has been configured using their Preschool (ages 4 and under) setting with the search capability turned off.

Our next profile is the “PG Ratings” profile that allows everything in G Ratings plus programs with a PG or TV-PG rating. The profile also includes Netflix, Paramount Plus, PBS Kids, and Youtube Kids. For this profile, Youtube Kids has been configured using their Younger (ages 5-8) setting with the search capability turned off.

The final profile is our “Tweens” profile with ratings limits capped at PG-13 and TV-14. In addition to Netflix, Paramount Plus, PBS Kids, Disney Now, and Youtube Kids, this profile also includes Disney Now and the Cartoon Network. The Youtube Kids profile used in this account leverages their Older (ages 9-12) setting and for this profile the search capability has been turned on allowing them to find more of the items that they are looking for but still limited to the items that Youtube has designated for kids.

To make all of this work we’ve had to introduce some passcodes into our setup. Everyone using netflix except for when using the G Ratings profile will have know and enter the code for their profile (This includes adults too). Additionally if you want to change your profile there is a separate code that would allow an adult to change the profile that has been setup for the TV.

All in all we think this is a good setup but their is the risk of someone using the adult code to make alterations so you need to still key and eye out on what your kids are watching. Because of this we ask you all to safe guard the profile lock passcode and not make any alterations to these settings.


Brilliant Home Control


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